Friday, June 24, 2016

Do you still eat DAIRY???

Cows milk… Let's think about that for a second.  If you are still consuming cows milk you are not only breast-feeding past infancy but you are breast-feeding from a whole other species.  
60% of the United States population is lactose intolerant. What does that mean to be lactose intolerant?... it means that you cannot tolerate lactose from cows milk.  So are you allergic to the substance? No are just not a baby cow and your body was not designed to drink cows milk.... Or any other animal milk except your moms milk as a infant. 
Dairy also contains a hormone called insulin like growth factor number one.  This hormone has been proven to be a huge cancer promoter especially with breast prostate and lung cancers 

If you think about it adult cows do not even drink cows milk...they get all of their calcium from plants. United States has the highest rate of osteoporosis because we are the highest consumers of dairy. Cows milk actually causes our bones to lose calcium and fracture more easily BUT the dairy industry has lied to us about that for years ... Why?  Because they sell milk.  Just look at all of the commercials on TV for milk and cheese. 

In the year 2000 the  physicians committee for responsible medicine won a lawsuit against the US department of agriculture.  They sued them for unfairly promoting the special interests of the meat and dairy industry.  The United States people have been brainwashed into believing that we need meat and dairy for all of our nutrients.  

Cancers, heart disease, diabetes, obesity and disease is rampant in our society I believe that these conditions are all caused by our standard American diet.  I also believe that consuming a 100% plant-based whole food diet is the answer to stopping these ailments.  

For more information on these topics you can read the China study by T Colin Campbell and plant-based living Guide by Lindsay Nixon 

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