Friday, July 15, 2016

California Chick (pea) Salad

This light crisp and tasty salad is perfect for summer!  Serve it on a bun, on crackers, or on a lettuce leaf and be all California fancy!

1 cup of chickpeas
3 TBSP vegan mayo
a good dash of poultry seasoning
a couple shakes of salt and pepper
1 stalk of celery chopped
2 TBSP chopped red onion
a handful of red grapes slice in half or quarters (I like a lot of grapes)

Smash up the chickpeas and add the rest of the ingredients.  Put it to chill in the fridge for an hour or so!   

I love it for an afternoon snack on woven wheat crackers with a glass of crisp cool white wine!

Meatless chicken salad… can't go wrong!

Enjoy and stay compassionate! 

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