Saturday, July 23, 2016

Heart Disease Kills 1 Woman Every Minute in the US

So many people ask me why I have chosen to so drastically change my diet! 

Well… here is my answer! 

If you had to chose between... eating only plants with no added oil, sugar and salt OR major heart surgery with all it's risks and a life time of medication ... Which would you choose?

This is the question I ask myself… For now my answer is a whole food plant based diet.  I really do not feel there is another option at this time.

At 52 I have high cholesterol and high blood pressure.  For 51 years I have paved the road to heart disease with my diet.

I also have an amazing husband and 3 beautiful daughters and I want to be around for all they have ahead of them.

My mom did live to a nice old age of 87.  But her last 10 years were were kicked off with a helicopter  ride, major heart surgery, a pacemaker, and a life time of medications.    She died a not so peacefully of congestive heart failure and I know for 100% certain she would have been around another 10-15 years if not for heart disease.  Dr. Caldwell B. Esselstyn tells me that does not need be my fate!

How did he tell me this!  He called me on the phone.  A famous retired 82 year old cardiologist, author, and olympic rowing champion took the time to call me on the phone.  Crazy… I know right!  I had goosebumps!

What does Dr Esselstyn believe?  He believes that heart disease need never exist and that it is merely a food-born illness.  Here is what he told me….

The western diet makes our blood sticky and kills the lining of our arteries.  Yes... cholesterol sticks and makes plaque formations but cholesterol isn't the problem… our sticky blood is!
Cholesterol is required for every cell in our body to function properly.  Cholesterol is the bandaid our body sends when bad food injures the lining of our arteries.
Lowering cholesterol with medication MAY prevent 30% of heart disease.  They say MAY and what about the other 70%.  Cholesterol lowering medications are damaging to the liver and increase our chance of diabetes and muscle damage.

Healthy endothelial cells (the lining of our arteries) are the key to preventing and reversing heart disease… yes I said REVERSING.  Trust me… unless you have had a diet your entire life like the Papua Highlanders of New Guinea you already have some degree of cardiovascular disease and you are at risk for dementia, breast cancer, osteoporosis, hypertension and type 2 diabetes!  Know any women that have these??? Do you already have these?

What exactly damages our endothelial cells?  You are not going to want to hear this and you will say no way and you will be adverse to some of these I am going to tell you.  The media and even our doctors are very good at denying these as true damagers but they are.  The media and food companies are big business and they do not want you to believe it and the doctors are not willing to admit it either because they would have to drastically change their diets as well and they don't think you can do it and maintain it as a lifestyle.  Plus it is their job to prescribe you helpful medications despite the side effects.

OKAY… here it is… these foods damage your arterial lining and make your blood sticky and need to be 100% avoided to reverse and prevent heart disease….

and the ones that will really ruffle your feathers…

Think of the above foods as gasoline and think of heart disease as a low grade brush fire… even a drop can be dangerous.  

So if you were thinking "I can cut back on those things and save my self from heart disease" think again.

So what do you eat?

The absolute musts for every single day are:

Oats and Greens… They are the most powerful antioxidants. Oats lower cholesterol, blood pressure and slow the digestion of sugar.  Greens directly heal the endothelial cells that line your blood vessels with the nitric oxide they produce.  Nitric oxide is the strongest vasodilator there is.  Arginine is an enzyme that also build nitric oxide and it is found in legumes and beans.  Exercise enhances nitric oxide synthase… but diet still trumps exercise so you cannot use exercise to ignore what goes in your mouth.
Make KALE your best friend!

After your oats and greens… you can eat

Whole grains (and I mean whole)
Fruit (not juice)


If you have any signs of heart disease already you must also avoid nuts, seeds, and avocados.  And if you are over weight you need to banish wheat until you get your weight in a healthy range.

Does this sound extreme?  Well these words are directly from

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